• 50 Years of Ayurveda Excellence
  • ask@ayurheritage.in
  • +91 9940104860

Panchakarma - The Detoxification Program

Toxic residues tend to accumulate in the body due to various reasons and cause cell and tissue damage, leaving one prone to many severe health conditions like cancer, liver & kidney damage, arthritis, atherosclerosis, to name a few.

Occasional bouts of stomach disturbances, headaches, irritability, a general feeling of uneasiness or fatigue in the middle of a busy day are often signals to denote that it is time to detoxify. Very often there are no symptoms at all and one gets no clue till problems erupt.

Dr. Vidya's Ayur Heritage Panchakarma programs are specially designed to get rid of these toxins, cleanse each & every cell of the body & invigorate the mind!

The Detoxification program mainly comprises of The Panchakarmas – the classical Ayurvedic purification procedures like Vamanam (Emesis), Virechanam (Purgation) & Vastis (Enema) and Nasya (nasal Instillation) apart from Abhyanga (oil massage) & Swedana (Steam bath) procedures to bring about complete detoxification & cleansing from within.


Panchakarma is available in three formats.

  • 21 Days - a complete and relaxed program ideally suitable for slightly aged persons or those with health problems
  • 14 Days - A complete program for healthy people.
  • 9 Days - This program is designed especially for persons who are strong & young and do not have time at their disposal.